REMEDy is a conference on environmental issues that impact Poland. First established in 2018 by Lion Environmental sp. z o.o., a consulting company, with the aim of addressing issues confronting environmental contamination in soil and groundwater, human wellbeing. The success of the conference has allowed it to expand its scope to include a broader range of subjects. Those participating in the conference include developers, landowners, laboratories, environmental consultants, law firms, and governmental agencies such as the General Directorate for Environmental Protection (GDOŚ), Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection (RDOŚ) and the National Water Management Authority – Polish Water (PGW WP). REMEDy emphasizes regulatory requirements, legal understanding, and associated soil and groundwater remediation technologies. The conference offers an opportunity to examine approaches that address environmental issues from legal and technical perspectives along with a sharing of experiences in other regulatory regimes outside Poland; this year’s conference will look at Japan. At previous conferences, the experiences from Canada, Italy, Germany, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States have been explored.

A number of participants REMEDy Summit
The REMEDy Online conference has three thematic sessions: International, Regulatory, and Technical.
Participants at the conference can expect to gain an understanding of new investigative and remedial technologies, along with methods and practices not typically used in Central and Eastern Europe. Speakers at the conference present topics connected to emerging chemicals and specific recalcitrant environmental contaminants not yet regulated by Polish Law. Past conferences have tackled such topics as asbestos in soil, and microplastics. This upcoming conference will include discussions perfluorinated alkylated substances (PFAS), compounds that are becoming the forefront of soil and groundwater issues in the world.

Welcome Speech

Sebastian Stachowski
Lion Environmental
Soil Vapour Intrusion in the USA
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André Chiaradia
Lion Environmental
In Situ Remediation of Source Chlorinated VOCs at an Industrial Site in Japan
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Guido Ebert
CDM Smith
Craig Franzel
CDM Smith
Key trends in the management of contaminated land across Europe
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Oliver Phipps
International Q&A

Laurie Chilcote
Cox - Colvin
Anthropogenic embankments in the field of legal contact regulations of the surface of the earth
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Slawomir Adamczyk
Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection in Katowice
European Network for the Implementation and Enforcement of Environmental Law
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Marco Falconi
Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research
Catalog of good practices
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and water environment cleaning - from determining whether the plot could be exposed to pollution, through research to determine the nature and extent of pollution, design remediation activities, up to the removal of contamination and obtaining documents confirming it.
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Rafał Hałabura
Association of the Contaminated Areas Remediation Institute
Analytical error guidelines with discrepancies
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concentration distribution cause sometimes a mismatch between formal and real land use. In some cases, the rigid application of standards and the preferential choice of radical solutions (extraction of pollution and transporting them elsewhere) lead to costly remediation and not fully justified in terms of real threats to the environment and human health.
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Piotr Kociołek
Domestic Q&A

Sebastian Stachowski
Lion Environmental
Surfactant Enhanced Extraction (SEE) at LNAPL and DNAPL Impacted Sites Pilot to Full Scale Applications
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Ivey Bud
The power of microorganisms
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Martynas Paškevičius
Vapor Intrusion - Review of the Evolution of VI Assessment and Expected Future Trends
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Laurie Chilcote
Cox - Colvin
Technial Q&A Session I

André Chiaradia
Lion Environmental
Evaluation and Remediation of a Large Comingled Dilute VOC Plume in Western Ohio - Case Study
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wells, temporary wells, and surface water samples to form a groundwater and surface water quality database. Based on GIS analysis of contaminant ratios of tetrachloroethene, trichloroethene, cis-1,2-dichloroethene, and 1,1,1-trichloroethane coupled with groundwater flow data the commingled plume was found to be sourced from at least six separate areas. To date, four sources have been remediated and groundwater quality has improved dramatically. This presentation will discuss the evolution of the assessment process and the various technologies used to remediate source areas.
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Craig Cox
Cox - Colvin
The role of the Environmental Laboratory as one of the pillars of support for safe planning and implementation of the investment process
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Aneta Chochorek
Turnkey solutions i.e. remediation of the former Orzegów plant and turning it into a local park for the community
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under Measure 2.5 - improvement of the quality of the urban environment. Priority axis II Environmental protection, including adaptation to climate change of the Infrastructure and Environment Operational Program 2014-2020.
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Piotr Bąbała
PFAS – The synthetic emerging contaminants
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Paweł Kot
i2 Analytical
Technial Q&A Session II

Piotr Kociolek
Ending Speech

Sebastian Stachowski
Lion Environmental
Marco Falconi
Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research
degree in environmental sciences and geology. He has held a number of teaching positions with universities and private training companies and has diverse experience as a collaborator on projects of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, European Environment Agency, and EuroGeoSurveys.
Slawomir Adamczyk
Head of Environmental Damage Prevention, Repair andInformation on the Environment and Environmental Management Department
Position: Head of Environmental Damage Prevention, Repair Department and Information on Environment and Environmental Management (since June 2012). Many years of experience in conducting, supervising proceedings and verification of documents in the field of environmental damage, historical pollution of the earth’s surface, waste management in closed areas, waste storage in a place not intended for this and providing information about the environment.
Previous professional experience: Katowice Geological Enterprise (mainly in geological engineering) Silesian Voivodship Office (environmental protection, groundwater protection)
Education: MA. In Geology (specialization in hydrogeology), University of Silesia in Katowice, Faculty of Earth Sciences in Sosnowiec; postgraduate studies in “Instruments and techniques of environmental management”, AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow.
Piotr Bąbała
Contract Director, REMEA
Laurie A. Chilcote
Office Manager - Director of Sales Marketing / Director & Vice President
Cox-Colvin & Associates, Inc. / Vapor Pin Enterprises, Inc. & Vapor Pin Do Brasil
Craig A. Cox, CPG
President/Principal Scientist, Cox-Colvin & Associates, Inc.
In addition to his consulting activities, Mr. Cox provides lectures and poster presentations at numerous regional and international conferences on the topics of groundwater contaminant migration and remediation, source area evaluations, and the assessment of vapor intrusion migration pathways. Mr. Cox is the inventor of the Vapor Pin®, a sub-slab soil gas sampling device used worldwide, and is the primary architect of a variety of environmental database applications, including Data InspectorTM.
Mr. Cox received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Geology and Mineralogy from The Ohio State University and a Professional Degree in Hydrogeology from the Colorado School of Mines. Mr. Cox is a Certified Professional under Ohio EPA’s Voluntary Action Program and a contributing author on reports concerning background metals concentrations in soils published by Ohio EPA. Mr. Cox is also a member of the ASTM Committee developing standards for the long-term monitoring of vapor mitigation systems.
André Chiaradia
Senior Consultant, Lion Environmental
Aneta Chochorek
Managing Director at WESSLING Polska sp. z o.o
Associated with the company since 2008, where she began her career as a Laboratory Manager. She was responsible for the design, construction, implementation of the quality management system and management of the new WESSLING Polska environmental laboratory in Krakow. Since 2013, he has been working as the Managing Director, overseeing the work of environmental and food laboratories in Poland. Previously, she worked at the Laboratory of the Provincial Inspectorate for Environmental Protection in Krakow.
She has been associated with the environmental protection industry for over 20 years.
She is a graduate of the Faculty of Chemistry of the Jagiellonian University.
Rafał Hałabura
President Association of the Contaminated Areas Remediation Institute
George (Bud) Ivey
President and senior remediation specialist, Ivey International Inc.
Piotr Kociołek
Environmental director Europe, Panattoni Europe
Paweł Kot
Business Development Manager, i2 Analytical
Since almost two years, his main task is developing the business presence of a leading international laboratory company, i2 Analytical, in Poland. Part of his responsibility is acting in an advisory role to customers, using his experience and the capabilities of i2 Analytical to provide support even in the most complex and demanding environmental engineering projects.
Oliver Phipps
Partner in ERM - Global Director for Key Accounts; Leader of the Contaminated Areas Section for the region of Europe, the Middle East and Africa; Chairman of the Regulatory Working Party - NICOLE
Sebastian Stachowski
Managing director of Lion Environmental
Craig Franzel
Senior Project Manager,CDM Smith
Guido Ebert
Senior Business Development Manager,CDM Smith
Martynas Paškevičius
Partner, ESSPO
The conference takes place in Warsaw’s city center, an easy to reach location, for both national and international guests. This year the REMEDY conference will be held at the Novotel Centrum Hotel in Warsaw.
Annonymous opinions given after the conference
A very valuable and needed event, in particular a possibility to exchange experience between public administrative, research institutions and business representatives.
A very successful conference. High substantive level.
Presented topic contained a lot of useful information. They (topics) were presented in very easy and approachable way. A participation in the REMEDy Conference broadened my knowledge referring to contaminated soil problems.
Great conference! Presented topics were short but very informative. The conference was organized at a high level.
Partnerzy Remedy

Registration for private sector representatives.
Free participation is only possible for representatives from public institutions.
Lion Environmental is an independent environmental consultancy created by people that want to make a difference. Our founders have been successful directors, project managers and consultants in the most prestigious environmental consulting corporations. With time aspirations of our founders grew bigger than the companies they worked for so a life-changing decision was made to utilise the knowledge and experience in order to create a new business. Commitment of our team is set in stone, our foundation stone.