Join us! REMEDy 2023 at the Szawa Conference - Centrum Konferencyjne, Oxygen Park, Jutrzenki 137, 02-231 Warszawa, Poland.
This year’s conference serves as a platform to address critical environmental issues that impact our living and working environments. By uniting leaders and experts, we aim to foster meaningful discussions and discover solutions that benefit our communities.
The land is where our roots are. The children must be taught to feel and live in harmony with the Earth.
Maria Montessori
Besides our primary focus during REMEDy 2023, our hot topic will be on Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) Remediation practices and environmental baseline studies for Nuclear Power Plants. We are committed to exploring innovative strategies and solutions that will contribute to a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable future for all. By bringing together a diverse group of experts and professionals, we can address the unique challenges faced by contaminated sites and work towards transformative change.
To ensure inclusivity, all presentations and Q&A sessions will be accompanied by interpreters, allowing participants to engage in both Polish and English. Moreover, we are delighted to have Bud Ivey from Ivey Sol as our esteemed General Partner, who will conduct a whole engaging workshop at the end of the conference.
Event Details:
Date: 27th September 2023
Venue: Szawa Conference - Centrum Konferencyjne (Oxygen Park, Jutrzenki 137, 02-231 Warszawa)
Conference Agenda:
REMEDY 2023 offers a diverse range of expert-led sessions:
- Nuclear Baseline Session: Discover the latest trends and innovations in nuclear site investigation and remediation.
- PFAS Session: Delve into the challenges and solutions related to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in the environment.
- Technical Session: Gain valuable insights into cutting-edge techniques and methodologies for effective site investigation and remediation.
- Workshop by George Ivey: Don't miss the exclusive workshop conducted by George Ivey from IVEY SOL on "Hydro-Geo-Chemistry Made Easy For Site Investigation and Remediation."
Registration and Cost:
The entrance cost is 699PLN Netto per ticket. However, we are pleased to offer exciting discounts for group bookings:
- Purchase 3 tickets and avail a 10% discount.
- For a group of 5 tickets, enjoy a 15% discount.
Complimentary Access:
As a token of appreciation for your contribution to the industry, we extend complimentary access to the following individuals:
- Government Officials and Professionals from Public Institutions
- Press and Media Representatives
Breakfast and Application:
All registered attendees will be treated to a delectable big breakfast in the morning from 8:15 until 9:00, setting the perfect tone for a day of learning and networking.
To secure your spot, kindly apply by sending an email to Please note that spaces are limited, so we encourage you to act swiftly to secure your participation in REMEDY 2023.
Please be aware that the conference will not be streamed this year, ensuring an exclusive and immersive experience for our attendees.
Join us in the vibrant city of Warsaw as we gather for REMEDY 2023, a day dedicated to enhancing knowledge, fostering collaboration, and promoting industry growth.
We eagerly await your presence at the conference. Should you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Registration and welcome coffee
Lion Welcome Team
Sebastian Stachowski
Lion Environmental
Environmental baseline for Nuclear Power Plants and SMRs - similarities, differences and challenges
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The environmental decision is needed in order to apply for a location decision. These two different views determine the scope of the spatial and substantive analyses required for both processes. Paradoxically, it is possible to obtain an environmental decision for a location that is later ruled out because of a 'fundamental flaw'. In order to ensure that the investor does not waste time or money, it is extremely important to create a timetable of studies and a preliminary verification of the environmental conditions in which the NPP is planned to be located. At this stage, it does not matter whether the project is for a NPP or an SMR.
In Poland, we are currently at a very advanced stage of the environmental impact assessment process for the first Polish nuclear power plant planned to be located in Pomerania. It will undoubtedly be a benchmark for other large reactor projects. Hopefully, the lessons learned from this stage will allow better and faster preparation of documentation for similar investments. It is momentarily unclear how the authorities will approach smaller power plants with SMRs, especially as we are talking about projects ranging from 1MW to 300 MW (BWRX), or even around 500 MW (Rolls Royce), in different technologies and scales. Meanwhile, neither Polish nor foreign regulations, including those of the International Atomic Energy Agency, make an explicit distinction between large and small reactors and impose the same requirements on them. The IAEA confines itself to the view that these analyses should be adequate to the scale of the possible threat. And the threat is primarily related to the possible escape of radionuclides into the environment.
The presentation will provide background information on nuclear power and SMRs, outline the key challenges for large and small NPP projects, discuss issues related to the delimitation of necessary environmental studies, and address the interdependence of siting and environmental studies.
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Anita Kuliś
SOTIS Advisors
Water availability as a key limitation for siting of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs)
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Adam Hamerla
Framework for the functioning of nuclear energy in Poland
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The presentation will first present the most important legal regulations relating to nuclear power plants, with particular emphasis on the construction process. Next, we will look how the construction of a nuclear power plant looks in practice and as an example will serve us the first Polish nuclear power plant planned in Pomerania.
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Katarzyna Sulimierska
NuclearBaseline– Q&A
Long-term behavior of PFAS on contaminated agricultural sites
Klaus Röhler
CDM Smith
Enhanced PFAS Removal From Soil and Groundwater Via Surfactant Flushing
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Enhanced recovery of contaminants from source-zone areas has been demonstrated to be more cost-effective that using P&T alone. Operational time frames are lowered, in some cases, from years to months, or months to weeks, but to-date they have not been used for PFAS source zones. This work represents the first attempt to understand the potential of surfactants to increase the removal rates of PFAS, at a scale using reagent concentrations that are environmentally applicable.
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George (Bud) Ivey
Ivey Sol
PFAS: Our heritage of the past century that has yet to be remedied.
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Jana Kovacova
Strategies for rebound prevention and control during “In Situ” remediation activities
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Lorenzo Sacchetti
We Can't Stop Breathing - Why Assessing Vapor Intrusion is so Important!
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Vapor intrusion assessments have revealed that chemical vapors released from contaminated sites can affect a much wider area than previously thought, impacting the indoor air quality of nearby homes, businesses, or entire neighborhoods. Many times, these vapors have been found to migrate through preferential pathways such as sewer lines and utility corridors.
Vapor intrusion is insidious because some of the most dangerous (and common) VOCs associated with contaminated sites are not detectable by humans at concentrations that can lead to irreversible harm. The risks to human health and the environment associated with contaminated soil and groundwater can be easily mitigated by eliminating the direct contact pathway through land use restrictions (barriers, caps, and restrictive covenants) or alternative drinking water supplies. However, we all need to breathe the air within the indoor spaces we inhabit. Because of this, vapor intrusion mitigation must be completed one building at a time. You can’t mitigate unless you investigate. You must investigate to protect human health.
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Laurie A. Chilcote & Craig Cox
Cox Colvil & Vapour Pin
Poland’s new proposed brownfield remediation legislation, what could this mean in the future. Examples from the United States
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Andre Chiaradia
Lion Environmental
Technology – Q&A
Hydrogeochemistry Made Easy For Site Investigation and Remediation
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This half-day workshop will introduce attendees to a new and easy to use set of hydrogeological and chemical principles to better understand and predict vapor, soil and groundwater contaminant behavior on sites. This is achieved through a visually driven and interactive hands-on presentation format in which attendees learn: water is not H2O but a cluster, an easy rule to predict the solubility of all contaminants, the simple cause of contaminant sorption (i.e., absorption and adsorption), that soil textures and forest density models have much in common to understand contaminant movement (transmissivity) in soil and groundwater hydrogeological settings, and how these understandings can aid practitioners to complete better site investigations and remediation of contaminated site plans. Even attendees with limited chemistry, microbiology, geology and/or hydrogeology experience will learn a new set of applied principles to easily predict the behavior of contaminants in soil, sediment, and groundwater regimes, including water solubility, sorption potential, and how to potentially improve physical, biological and chemical availability for in situ or ex situ remediation.
The presentation will challenge conventional understandings (Models) of what water and organic contaminants are, and provide three simple tools to predict their behavior in soil, bedrock and groundwater environments. In doing so, this simplifies many of the highly technical contaminant hydrogeology principles by allowing attendees a better understanding why some contaminants dissolve in water while others do not, and why some absorb or adsorb to soil while others do not, why some more quickly than others, and why some contaminants express limited ‘availability’ for remediation, while others do not. Attendees will leave the workshop with an applied ability to predict contaminant behavior as it affects environmental site investigation and remediation. Adult learning principles are employed over the course of the presentation to enhance the learning experience, and have fun while doing so.
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George (Bud) Ivey
Ivey Sol
Workshop – Q&A
Ivey Sol
Sebastian Stachowski
Lion Environmental
*The Organizer reserves the right to change the agenda.
Katja Amstaetter
Senior Consultant and Head of Knowledge Management, CDM Smith
André Chiaradia
Senior Environmental Consultant, Lion Environmental
Laurie A. Chilcote
Office Manager - Director of Sales Marketing / Director & Vice President Cox-Colvin & Associates, Inc. / Vapor Pin Enterprises, Inc. & Vapor Pin Do Brasil
Craig A. Cox, CPG
President/Principal Scientist, Cox-Colvin & Associates, Inc.
Adam Hamerla
Assistant professor, GIG
George (Bud) Ivey
President and Senior Remediation Specialist, Ivey International Inc.
Jana Kovacova
Analytical chemist, ALS
Jana has been with the ALS Czech Republic since 2020, when she started working in the position of validation specialist in the research group of innovations of environmental analytical processes. The optimization and extension of methods for the determination of PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) has been her main topic from the very beginning. Nowadays, Jana is the supervisor of the PFAS section, which is the part of the Organic Department for Environmental analysis. Together with her team she continues in the development and optimisation of methods for PFAS analyses in multiple matrices, coordinates the group of analysts processing the thousands of samples per month, and presents the knowledge gained from her research and lab experience.
Anita Kuliś
Member of the Board, Sotis Advisors
Anita is a geographer after graduating from the Jagiellonian University. She also completed postgraduate studies in nuclear energy at the Warsaw University of Technology. She has worked at Jacobs Polska and PwC Advisory, among others.
She leads teams of specialists, combining the skills of designers from various industries with those of economists, financiers, sociologists, natural scientists and lawyers. She executes, coordinates and verifies documents prepared for the investment process, advising investors from concept through design to construction and operation/utilization. The experience she has gained allows her to look at the successive stages of investment preparation and implementation, taking into account the coordination of all processes and multiple industries at one time. She has carried out projects for the following industries: water and wastewater, flood control, power, gas, transportation, industry, mining and processing of raw materials. She specializes in difficult investments, requiring both a broader view and attention to detail and consistency of individual analyses and documents. She has worked as a verifier/adviser for the JASPERS initiative, as well as for the EC, EIB and World Bank. She is implementing ESDD for the EBRD.
She has been involved in the nuclear power industry for 10 years. She participated in the preparation of the design of the first Polish nuclear power plant, worked with ZUOP, and verified environmental documentation for a large nuclear project in Asia. She is currently supporting investors in SMRs.
Lorenzo Sacchetti
Director Remediation Technolgies, Europe, Middle East and Africa, Carus Europe
Sebastian Stachowski
Managing director, Lion Environmental
Katarzyna Sulimierska
Partner, Schoenherr
The presentation will first present the most important legal regulations relating to nuclear power plants, with particular emphasis on the construction process. Next, we will look how the construction of a nuclear power plant looks in practice and as an example will serve us the first Polish nuclear power plant planned in Pomerania.
dr inż. Monika Partyka
Dyrektor R&D, i2 Analytical Limited Sp. z o.o. Oddział w Polsce
W pracy zawodowej podkreśla, że konieczna jest determinacja w dążeniu do celu, innowacyjność, kreatywność i krytyczne myślenie oraz ciągłe podnoszenie kompetencji.
Daniel Gribbin
COO and Head of Sustainability & ESG, EMEX Software
Agnieszka Skorupińska
Partner, lider praktyki Prawa Ochrony Środowiska oraz koordynator Zespołu ds. ESG w Polsce i Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej, kancelaria CMS
Doświadczenie Agnieszki obejmuje projekty z zakresu uzyskiwania pozwoleń środowiskowych w tym pozwoleń zintegrowanych, historycznego zanieczyszczenia gruntów i wód gruntowych, szkód w środowisku, raportów początkowych, ocen oddziaływania na środowisko, ochrony powietrza, w tym dostosowania do standardów emisyjnych określonych w IED oraz w konkluzjach BAT oraz uzyskania derogacji i odstępstw od tych standardów, zmian klimatycznych (climate change) w tym kwestie związane z emisją CO₂ (EU ETS), gospodarowaniem odpadami i wodami, hałasu oraz REACH.
Jako doradca skutecznie reprezentowała spółki z sektora energetycznego, chemicznego, budowlanego, gospodarki odpadami, FMCG, wodociągowego i kanalizacyjnego, odnawialnych źródeł energii, górniczego, samochodowego, odzieżowego, spożywczego.
Koordynuje prace Zespołu ds ESG w CMS w Polsce i w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej.
Randy Mott
Prezes, Phytoremedia Sp. z o.o.
Dr. Sven Arnold
Magister Geoekologii, Uniwersytet Techniczny Bergakademie Freiberg, Niemcy, Dr. rer nat. , Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Niemcy, Staż podoktorski - Pracownik Naukowy, Uniwersytet Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, Członek Stowarzyszenia Geoekologii w Niemczech, Członek Inżynierowie Bez Granic, Niemcy, CDM Smith
Dr. Sami Al Najem
Geolog, Naukowiec ds. środowiska, Inżynier projektu, CDM Smith
Klaudia Cholewa
Adwokat, Specjalista w zakresie Prawa Ochrony Środowiska, kancelaria CMS
Specjalizuje się w prawie ochrony środowiska. Przygotowywała opinie prawne w zakresie gospodarki odpadami, pozwoleń emisyjnych czy decyzji środowiskowych. Brała również udział w licznych konferencjach naukowych o tej tematyce, zarówno krajowych, jak i międzynarodowych. Opiniowała i przygotowywała umowy związane z procesami inwestycyjnymi.
Klaudia specjalizuje się również w procesie cywilnym. Zajmowała się obsługą prawną sądową jednego z czołowych polskich ubezpieczycieli, prowadziła również sprawy sądowe zarówno w sprawach gospodarczych, jak i dla klientów indywidualnych.
Rafał Hałabura
Prezes Zarządu, Stowarzyszenie Instytut Remediacji Terenów Zanieczyszczonych
Julien Castellin
Starszy doradca naukowy – Magister nauk o środowisku – Specjalizacja w zakresie zrównoważonego zarządzania zanieczyszczeniami, Junia ISA Lille
Craig A. Cox, CPG
Prezes i Główny Naukowiec, Cox-Colvin & Associates, Inc.
Oprócz działalności doradczej, Pan Cox bierze czynny udział w licznych regionalnych i międzynarodowych konferencjach na temat migracji i remediacji zanieczyszczeń wód podziemnych, oceny obszarów źródłowych oraz intruzji oparów chemikaliów. Pan Cox jest wynalazcą Vapor Pin®, urządzenia do pobierania próbek powietrza glebowego, używanego na całym świecie i jest twórcą oprogramowania do środowiskowych baz danych, w tym Data Inspector™.
Pan Cox uzyskał tytuł licencjata (B.S.) i magistra (M.S.) z geologii i mineralogii na Uniwersytecie Stanowym w Ohio oraz tytuł zawodowy z hydrogeologii w Colorado School of Mines. Pan Cox jest Certyfikowanym Specjalistą w ramach Ohio EPA Voluntary Action Program i autorem raportów dotyczących tła stężeń metali w glebach, publikowanych przez Ohio EPA. Pan Cox jest również członkiem Komitetu ASTM, który opracowuje normy dotyczące długoterminowego monitorowania systemów ograniczania emisji oparów.
Marco Falconi
Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research
Dr Katarzyna Barańska
Radca prawny, Partner, Szef Praktyki Infrastruktura i Środowisko, Kochański & Partners
Posiada bogate doświadczenie w zakresie inwestycji w odnawialne źródła energii, obejmujące zarówno analizy typu due diligence, jak i doradztwo transakcyjne oraz reprezentowanie klientów przed organami administracji publicznej. Doradzała w zakresie budowy i rozbudowy farm wiatrowych, fotowoltaicznych i elektrowni wodnych. Ponadto realizowała projekty związane z budową infrastruktury pod wydobycie kopalin.
Joaquim Halen
Customer Success Manager Haemers Technologies
Paweł Kot
Business Development Manager, i2 Analytical
Harry O’Neill
Prezes Beacon Environmental
Sylwia Janiszewska
Kierownik działu Remediacji, Remea sp. z o.o.
Piotr Wojda
Mianowany urzędnik naukowy Komisji Europejskiej, Komisja Europejska, Dyrekcja Generalna: Wspólnotowe Centrum Badawcze.
Piotr Wojda otrzymał tytuł doktora nauk inżynierskich z Uniwersytetu Liege w Belgii, magistra geologii z Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego i magistra ekonomii ze Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie w Polsce.
Brad Elkins
Dyrektor ds. Sprzedaży Technicznej, EOS Remediation
Travis Barnum
Koordynator ds. Terenów poprzemysłowych w stanie Arizona, Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
Brant A. Smith, P.E., Ph.D.
Technology Manager, PeroxyChem ©
Radosław Piechal
Country Environmental Manager, Panattoni Development Europe sp. z o.o.
i biogazowni rolniczych, a także raportów oceny oddziaływania na środowisko, społeczeństwo
i zdrowie (ESHIA) oraz uzyskiwanie pozwoleń dla koncesji poszukiwawczych za gazem łupkowym w Polsce. Nadzorował remediacje oraz wykonywał audyty środowiskowe fazy I i II, compliance w Polsce, na Słowacji, w Rosji i na Ukrainie. Od 2018 roku Radosław pracuje w Panattoni Development Europe, a od 2021 jako Country Manager, nadzoruje proces due diligence, oceny środowiskowej terenu oraz koordynuje prace remediacyjne terenów zanieczyszczonych.
Ewa Szczebak
Starszy Specjalista ds. Środowiskowych, Arcadis Sp. z o.o.
Przemysław Wyskocki
Inżynier budowlany/Asystent projektanta, REMEA PL
Piotr Surma
Dyrektor Kontaktu, Remea sp. z o.o.
Dr n. biol. Anicenta Bubak
Anicenta BUBAK jest doktorem nauk biologicznych o specjalności toksykologia środowiskowa. Główne obszary zainteresowań to zanieczyszczenia powietrza, wody, gleby; narażenie dzieci na metale ciężkie, ocean ryzyka zdrowotnego (HRA) i oceny oddziaływania na zdrowie w ramach ocen oddziaływania na środowisko (EHIA). Brała udział w opracowaniu narzędzi pomocnych w ocenach oddziaływaniu na zdrowie (HIA) przedsięwzięć planowanych na terenach rolniczych i miejskich. Jej zainteresowania skupiały się wokół włączenia procedury ocen oddziaływania na zdrowie do procesu podejmowania decyzji podnoszenia kwalifikacji uczestników procesu (projekt WHO: Efektywność Ocen Oddziaływania na Zdrowie). Była uczestnikiem następujących projektów międzynarodowych UE dotyczących narażenia dzieci na metale pochodzące z gleby (2-FUN), oceny ryzyka zdrowotnego powodowanego przez metale w glebie (I+DARTS), dotyczące zanieczyszczenia wód i wód gruntowych (FOKS), a także zmian klimatu w odniesieniu do zdrowia ludzi i ich samopoczucia: BRIDGE and PREPARED.
Dawid Jasiński
Geotechnik | Doradca projektowy,
Grupa Pietrucha
Wojciech Wołkowicz
Badacz, Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
André Chiaradia
Senior Consultant, Lion Environmental
Craig Franzel
Senior Project Manager,CDM Smith
Piotr Kociołek
Environmental director Europe, Panattoni Europe
Slawomir Adamczyk
Head of Environmental Damage Prevention, Repair andInformation on the Environment and Environmental Management Department
Position: Head of Environmental Damage Prevention, Repair Department and Information on Environment and Environmental Management (since June 2012). Many years of experience in conducting, supervising proceedings and verification of documents in the field of environmental damage, historical pollution of the earth’s surface, waste management in closed areas, waste storage in a place not intended for this and providing information about the environment.
Previous professional experience: Katowice Geological Enterprise (mainly in geological engineering) Silesian Voivodship Office (environmental protection, groundwater protection)
Education: MA. In Geology (specialization in hydrogeology), University of Silesia in Katowice, Faculty of Earth Sciences in Sosnowiec; postgraduate studies in “Instruments and techniques of environmental management”, AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow.
Piotr Bąbała
Contract Director, REMEA
Guido Ebert
Senior Business Development Manager,CDM Smith
Aneta Chochorek
Managing Director at WESSLING Polska sp. z o.o
Associated with the company since 2008, where she began her career as a Laboratory Manager. She was responsible for the design, construction, implementation of the quality management system and management of the new WESSLING Polska environmental laboratory in Krakow. Since 2013, he has been working as the Managing Director, overseeing the work of environmental and food laboratories in Poland. Previously, she worked at the Laboratory of the Provincial Inspectorate for Environmental Protection in Krakow.
She has been associated with the environmental protection industry for over 20 years.
She is a graduate of the Faculty of Chemistry of the Jagiellonian University.
Martynas Paškevičius
Partner, ESSPO
Oliver Phipps
Partner in ERM - Global Director for Key Accounts; Leader of the Contaminated Areas Section for the region of Europe, the Middle East and Africa; Chairman of the Regulatory Working Party - NICOLE
Lion Environmental jest niezależną firmą konsultingową stworzoną przez osoby, które chcą zmieniać rzeczywistość na lepszą. Nasi założyciele odnosili sukcesy jako dyrektorzy, kierownicy projektów, czy konsultanci w najbardziej prestiżowych firmach konsultingowych działających w branży środowiskowej. Z biegiem czasu aspiracje naszych założycieli wzrastały ponad firmy, w których pracowali, więc podjęli niezwykle ważną decyzję, aby wykorzystać swoją wiedzę i doświadczenie i stworzyć własną firmę. Zaangażowanie zespołu jest naszym podstawowym fundamentem.
Participants’ opinions about REMEDy conference
Principal Remediation Engineer
Principal Remediation Engineer
REMEDy 2018 participant
REMEDy 2018 participant
REMEDy 2018 participant
REMEDy 2018 participant
REMEDy 2019 participant
REMEDy 2019 participant
Research and Teaching Assistant
Research and Teaching Assistant
assistant professor
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego, Warsaw
assistant professor
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego, Warsaw
I congratulate you on the interesting and up-to-date subject matter of the conference. It was a pleasure to listen and watch all the presentations.
I look forward to the next REMEDY.
university professor
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski, Olsztyn
university professor
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski, Olsztyn
General Manager
General Manager
Principal Consultant
ERM Polska
Principal Consultant
ERM Polska
Państwowe Gospodarstwo Wodne Wody Polskie Zarząd Zlewni w Katowicach
Państwowe Gospodarstwo Wodne Wody Polskie Zarząd Zlewni w Katowicach
Head of Unit
Capital Infrastructure Board
Head of Unit
Capital Infrastructure Board
Environmental damage specialist
Regionalna Dyrekcja Ochrony Środowiska w Olsztynie
Environmental damage specialist
Regionalna Dyrekcja Ochrony Środowiska w Olsztynie
ISPRA, Institute for Environmental Protection and Research
ISPRA, Institute for Environmental Protection and Research
Senior Environmental Specialist
Senior Environmental Specialist