REMEDy is a conference on environmental issues that impact Poland. First established in 2018, by Lion Environmental, a consulting company, with the idea that the best way to address environmental problems was to understand and examine them from technical, legal, regulatory, economic, and practical perspectives. The goal of REMEDy is to challenge the inefficient old ways of doing things to find effective solutions for soil and groundwater quality investigations, remediation, and brownfield site development. Hearing from different sides means that we step back and look at the big picture to make important policy and business decisions. Sharing knowledge elevates the market offering insights that can be put directly to use, hence makes remediation more accessible, cost effective and sustainable.

This year’s REMEDy is bigger, better, and free of charge to attendees.

REMEDy is a tool that seeks solutions to environmental challenges and the opportunity to bring together partners, practitioners, and decision makers to an event that moves environmental stewardship and business forward.


Our past conferences audience included developers, landowners, laboratories, environmental consultants, law firms, and Polish governmental agencies including: The General Directorate for Environmental Protection, Regional Directorates for Environmental Protection, the National Water Management Authority – Polish Water, the Polish Geological Institute as well as the Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research


The conference has shared the experiences from other regulatory regimes outside Poland. Previous conferences featured Canada, Italy, Germany, Sweden, Japan, Lithuania, the United Kingdom and the United .

The nation that destroys its soil destroys itself

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Fourth edition of REMEDy for contaminated sites will take place
on 29 September 2021 – stay tuned for more information!

A number of participants REMEDy Summit







The REMEDy Online conference has three thematic sessions: International, Regulatory and Technical.

REMEDy 2021 will focus on Brownfield development. Poland’s continued economic growth and the shifts brought on by impacts from COVID-19, have created a demand for industrial property development closer to city centres across Poland.

Poland is at a juncture; it must weigh the need to support economic expansion with the long-term impacts. What is best for Poland? Sustainable growth is the only smart answer, new investment has to focus on brownfields rather than greenfield.

- Lion Environmental Team

REMEDy 2021 focuses on brownfield site development that offers an opportunity for strategic sustainable development of urban structures or adversely impacted properties with broader socio-economic developmental goals. Brownfields demand an integrated approach from environmental professionals, legal experts, property developers, designers/architects, regulators, and policy makers to creatively transform urban and harmful properties into productive assets that serve comunnieties.


Brownfields act as obstacles to growth, a deterrent to the development of larger areas within cities and even to a city itself. The conversion of brownfields lessens health risks to residents, workers, and the surrounding environment. The return from converting brownfields pays back developers by giving them access to strategically located properties, to governmental agencies by removing environmentally impacted sites, to municipalities through the creation of economic engines from fallow lands and to communities by removing adverse health impacts. Brownfield development can be quantified by measuring the number of times an investment is paid back.


Participants to REMEDy 2021 will hear about the many facets of brownfield development. A chance to discuss and explore this timely issue from an environmental, legal, regulatory, and financial perspective. REMEDy invites those from industry, government, consulting, solution providers, and the academic fields to participate in this year’s REMEDy conference.



Welcome Speech

Sebastian Stachowski
Lion Environmental

Solutions for Soil and Groundwater Quality Investigations


Soil Gas Sampling Techniques for Efficient Site Characterization and Investigation to Refine your Conceptual Site Model.

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Background/Approach: The ability to accurately assess the location, and vapor intrusion (VI) potential of VOC sources beneath buildings is vital in developing an effective conceptual site model (CSM). An innovative and proven method has significantly streamlined and improved the assessment process. Through these advances, the professional can complete a thorough and accurate assessment of sub-slab vapor conditions in less time and at a lower cost. Information generated by an accurate assessment can then be leveraged using GIS to increase the understanding of a VOC source’s age and the potential release mechanism and better define your CSM.

AIM: Standard disposal practices prior to the adoption of environmental regulations; reasons why interviews with site personnel may cause the professional to focus on the wrong areas; reasons, why streamlined methods are effective means of improving data quality, data density, and the understanding of VI potential. It will demonstrate how GIS methods and utilizing multiple lines of evidence can help the professional develop a more accurate understanding of the VOC sources and your CSM Model.

Conclusion: The discussion presents case studies demonstrating the use of high quality, rapidly obtained, active sub-slab soil gas measurements, evaluation of preferential
pathways, visual data interpretation and utilization of GIS methods. This information is necessary to locate VOC sources and better define your CSM Model providing time saving methods, lower cost to the client and allowing re-development to proceed.

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Laurie Chilcote
Cox-Colvin & Associates, Inc. / VaporPin®


Dust Immission - Measurements with Passive Samplers as a Tool in Risk Assessment

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Experts conducting environmental due diligence audits for the purposes of real estate purchase / sale transactions use a variety of tools in their work. These tools aim at facilitating the best possible assessment of financial risk related to e.g. a possible remediation of the area. A key element in such an assessment is the identification of both the sources of contamination and the so-called open exposure pathways, i.e. mechanisms as a result of which existing pollutants may have a negative impact, first of all, on human health, but also on other elements of the environment. Dust immission measurements with the use of passive samplers are a proven and effective tool, useful, among others, in the following situations: Purchase of land in the immediate vicinity of an object that may emit dust pollutants in an organized or unorganized manner  Assessment of the mobility of pollutants in the surface layer of soil through dust emission from the subject area Assessment of the effectiveness of anti-dust protection measures during ongoing construction works.
The presentation will describe the available samplers and related measurement techniques, the possibilities related to the chemical analysis of collected dust, examples of standards according to which measurements are carried out and practical examples of application of the aforementioned measurement techniques.

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Paweł Kot
i2 Analytical Ltd. Sp. z o.o. Oddział w Polsce


Advanced Quantitative Soil Gas Methods – Making the Invisible Visible

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To accurately design a conceptual site model and streamline your remediation and monitoring program, you must begin with accurate data. Passive soil gas (PSG) surveys are internationally recognized as a highly accurate site characterization tool to simultaneously assess whether contamination is present in soil vapor, soil, or groundwater.

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Harry O’Neill
Beacon Environmental


Same VOCs, Very Different Outcomes - Lessons Learned from Two Groundwater Remediation Sites

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Cox-Colvin & Associates (Cox-Colvin) has been the primary consultant on two chlorinated VOC sites that have affected the groundwater quality in the state of Ohio. The VOC constituents are essentially identical - tetrachloroethene, trichloroethene, and cis-1,2-dichloroethene. Plumes from these sites have migrated beyond site boundaries raising the concerns of the local communities. For over two decades, Cox-Colvin has worked with site owners, regional and local regulatory agencies, and the public to investigate and remediate source areas, eliminate risk to human health and the environment, and restore groundwater quality. Although the sources were similarly assessed and remediated, the outcome for groundwater quality has been drastically different. The groundwater plumes from one site, which stretched over 4 miles, are approaching the cleanup standards. The plumes at the other site are not. The key appears to be the geology – unconsolidated glacial outwash versus 300-million year old sandstone bedrock.

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Craig A. Cox, CPG
Cox-Colvin & Associates, Inc. / VaporPin®


Solutions for Soil and Groundwater Quality Investigations Q&A

Andre Chiaradia
Lion Environmental Sp. z o.o.





Environmental perspectives in the development of former military facilities into economic zones

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The large tracks of undeveloped property at former military facilities, along with commercial and zoning incentives are inducements to the creation of economic zones at these sites. These brownfields have specific environmental challenges that need to be overcome in order to safetly repurposed them. This is a brief discussion on the common environmental issues faced at former military facilities in the US and in Poland.

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Andre Chiaradia
Lion Environmental Sp. z o.o.


European Policy impacts on research in brownfields redevelopment

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Why is brownfield redevelopment becoming one of the important subjects for the coming decades? Because brownfield redevelopment is one of the solutions to limit urban sprawl, land take and soil sealing. In a very competitive framework of available land resources, the built environment has a significant impact on many sectors of the economy, on local jobs and quality of life and finally, on the environment. It requires vast amounts of resources and accounts for about 50% of all extracted material.
As a part of new Circular Economy Action Plan under the European Green Deal, the Commission will launch a new comprehensive Strategy for a Sustainable Built Environment. This Strategy will ensure coherence across the relevant policy areas such as climate, energy and resource efficiency, management of construction and demolition waste, accessibility, digitalisation and skills. It will promote circularity principles throughout the lifecycle of buildings by, amongst others, promoting initiatives to reduce soil sealing, rehabilitate abandoned or contaminated brownfields and increase the safe, sustainable and circular use of excavated soils.

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Piotr Wojda, Arwyn Jones
The European Commission


Examples of how Brownfield Properties were Repurposed in Arizona

Travis Barnum
Arizona Department of Environmental Quality


International Q&A

Katarzyna Barańska, PhD
Kochański & Partners



Remediation Technlogies and Case Studies


Review of remediation technologies applied at the "Kalina" project in Świętochłowice

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Rejon stawu „Kalina” w Świętochłowicach wraz z leżącą nieopodal hałdą odpadów po byłych Zakładach Chemicznych Hajduki od ponad trzydziestu lat określany jest mianem bomby ekologicznej, która w znacznym stopniu utrudnia życie okolicznym mieszkańcom. Konsorcjum firm Remea Sp. z o.o. Menard Sp. z o.o.; Remea Sp. z o.o oraz Remea societe par actions simplifiee a associe unique od stycznia 2020 roku, na zlecenie Urzędu Miasta w Świętochłowicach realizuje projekt pod nazwą „Poprawa jakości środowiska miejskiego Gminy Świętochłowice - remediacja terenów zdegenerowanych i zanieczyszczonych w rejonie stawu "Kalina" wraz z przywróceniem jego biologicznej aktywności”. Zamówienie jest współfinansowane ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Infrastruktura i Środowisko 2014-2020, oś priorytetowa II Ochrona środowiska, w tym adaptacja do zmian klimatu, działanie 2.5 Poprawa jakości środowiska miejskiego.
Podstawowym celem Projektu jest remediacja gruntów zdegradowanych i zanieczyszczonych działalnością człowieka, usunięcie lub zmniejszenie ilości substancji powodujących ryzyko do stopnia gwarantującego osiągnięcie efektu ekologicznego oraz przywrócenie biologicznej aktywności zdegradowanego i zanieczyszczonego zbiornika (stawu) Kalina. Zakres wykonywanych prac obejmuje wykonanie: bariery przeciwfiltracyjnej w technologii trenchmix i wykopu wąskoprzestrzennego, ograniczającej negatywne oddziaływanie istniejącej obok hałdy zanieczyszczającej staw Kalina pochodzącymi z niej odciekami, montaż i uruchomienie zestawu urządzeń służących do wydobycia, odwodnienia i neutralizacji osadu dennego, oczyszczanie wody w stawie, bioremediację oraz fitoremediację gruntów na terenie wokół stawu. Docelowo cały obszar będzie pełnił funkcję rekreacyjną (zaprojektowano wykonanie placów zabaw, zespołu boisk, elementów siłowni terenowych, itp.)

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Piotr Surma and Przemysław Wyskocki
Remea sp. z o.o.


"Ex-situ Thermal Desorption - Case study for soil polluted by Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons from former industries. "

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Ex-Situ Thermal Desorption (ESTD) project on a highly polluted soil by total petroleum hydrocarbons and spots of mercury. The key objective of the treatment was to remediate the soil according to target levels using thermal desorption technology with soil stored in multiple piles and a Vapor Treatment Unit for the treatment of the extracted contaminated vapors.

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Joaquim Halen
Haemers Technologies


A Tailings Dam at a Zinc and Lead Open-Pit Mine: Vinyl Sheet Piles with Gaskets used to Construct a Leak-Proof Anti-Filtration Barrier - A Case Study

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The EcoLock vinyl sheet piling profiles with gaskets – an innovative solution for the construction of tight cut-off barriers in environmentally threatened area – a case study based on a tailings dam project carried out in Kazakhstan.
The purpose of the presentation is to show how we have developed our core product, the EcoLock vinyl sheet piling, by adding a technological improvement to the profiles, consisting in an integrated gasket, to ensure 100% watertightness. This cutting-edge technology will be presented in detail in the form of a case study of a project carried out in Kazakhstan, which assumed the construction of a sealed anti-filtration barrier around a tailings dam reservoir at an open-pit zinc and lead mine.

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Dawid Jasiński
Geotechnical Engineer | Design Advisor
The Pietrucha Group


Remediation Technlogies and Case Studies Q&A

Craig A. Cox, CPG
Cox-Colvin & Associates, Inc. / VaporPin®




Brownfield Projects from the Developer’s Perspective: Environmental and Legal Problems Based on a Case Study – Development of Former Cable Factory in Northern Poland.

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Panattoni, the leading industrial developer in Europe, is bringing new life to former industrial sites. Through brownfield developments, the developer is entering into the circular economy, a move which is fully in line with “Go Earthwise”, Panattoni’s policy of environmentally sustainable development. Brownfield developments now comprise over 10% of all of Panattoni's projects and this proportion is very quickly rising. Brownfield projects are complex, last longer and involve many additional legal and technical aspects and financial resources, that are absent on greenfield projects. The presentation shows the stages of the project implementation from the developer's side and presents a case study of development of former cable factory in Northern Poland.

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Radosław Piechal
Panattoni Development Europe sp. z o.o.


Abiotic, Biotic or Both for Enhanced Reductive Dechlorination

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The use of in situ chemical reduction (ISCR) and enhanced in situ bioremediation (EISB) for treating recalcitrant compounds in groundwater has become a cornerstone in the environmental industry over the last decade. They are also sought-after during Brownfield redevelopment projects because they require no on-site infrastructure, have a relatively low cost of implementation and provide long remediation life typically on the order of years for a single application.
It is common that practitioners will use one or the other at any given site when addressing chlorinated solvents like Tetrachloroethene (PCE). In fact, these technologies are often married together because
they share a similar redox state and do not directly compete in the subsurface. However due to this popularity sometimes one technology or the other is not appropriately applied. EISB for example can have inefficiencies when groundwater conditions are acidic, or the plume is co-mingled with both ethene and ethane compounds. Whereas ISCR reagents (zero valent iron) must come into direct contact with the contaminant in order to degrade it into less chlorinated daughter products. In this presentation we will explore both the strengths and weakness of both technologies. It will cover example site conditions and limitations that must be over come for either technology to result in a successful outcome. Finally, we will share a case study from a California dry cleaner where both EISB and ISCR were deploy in tandem resulting in several orders of magnitude decrease in PCE.

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Brad Elkins
EOS Remediation


Surfactant Enhanced Extraction Of Soil and Groundwater To Expedite Site Redevelopment

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The former Bacchus Marsh gasworks (1889 – 1973) is located within a wide alluvial plain of the Werribee River. Shallow groundwater on the alluvial plain occurs in an upper alluvial aquifer and is highly utilized for irrigation and rationed through the auctioning of water shares. The presence of coal tar NAPL (and associated dissolved phase groundwater impacts) emanating from former gasholders and tar and liquor disposal wells into the upper alluvial aquifer impinges further on upper alluvial aquifer utilization. This presentation focusses on remediation of two coal tar NAPL plumes that was conducted in-situ attempting to meet Victorian EPA and client sustainability goals.

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George (Bud) Ivey
President and senior remediation specialist, Ivey International Inc.


Application of Alkaline Activated Persulfate to treat Petroleum Hydrocarbon Contamination beneath the Active Construction of a 32-Story High-Rise Residential Tower

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This full-scale application, the largest in Manhattan at the time, successfully reduced the combined concentration of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX) compounds in soil and groundwater by more than 99 percent. These results were sustained in quarterly monitoring events for over one year after application. This success has resulted in site closure by the regulator (New York Department of Environmental Compliance).

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Brant Smith
Technology Manager at PeroxyChem


Remediation Technlogies and Case Studies Q&A II

Sylwia Janiszewska
Remea sp. z o.o.





Large-scale degraded areas

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In Poland, there is a problem concerning large scale degraded areas, where large amounts of waste, including hazardous waste are present. Most of the pollution was generated in the distant past. Former ways of managing the environment currently result in the formation of pollutants that pose a threat to human life or even health.
There are several areas in the country, all of them are linked by a common denominator -the environmental contamination of soil and groundwater and the complex formal and legal situation of the facilities. The regulations in force in the field of environmental protection and waste management are insufficient to resolve this problem.
An additional difficulty is the lack of detailed, up-to-date results of environmental quality research, which would determine the extent of degraded zones and the scope of necessary remediation works. There is also no data that would allow us to estimate the costs of work necessary to remedy the situation.
Therefore, it is required to modify the existing regulations, to enable the efficient implementation of the environmental remediation procedures in the formal and technical sense and to ensure financial resources for the implementation of the planned works.

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Wojciech Wołkowicz
Researcher, The Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute


On how to redevelop post-mining areas into green energy production facilities?

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The presentation outlines legal aspects related to the reclamation of post-mining areas, which can now be used as sites for renewable energy sources, especially green production hubs, especially that the role of hydrogen in European industry, transport, and other areas of the economy will be significantly growing within the next few years.

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Katarzyna Barańska, PhD
Kochański & Partners


Why is on-site remediation so rarely performed in Poland, and does excavated soil always have to be waste?

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Rozstrzygniecie statusu gleby, ziemi i osadów wydobytych i oczyszczanych na terenie remediacji jako nie-odpadów ma kluczowe znaczenie dla możliwości prowadzenia najbardziej korzystnej dla środowiska i zgodnej z zasadami gospodarki o obiegu zamkniętym remediacji on site.
Przyjęcie odmiennego stanowiska w praktyce często uniemożliwia prowadzenia remediacji on site, bo prace zawiązane z oczyszczaniem gleby, ziemi lub osadów mogą być klasyfikowane jako przetwarzanie odpadów w instalacjach. Taka kwalifikacja powoduje, że może okazać się konieczne uzyskanie wielu decyzji administracyjnych (w Polsce może to być nawet 5 decyzji: decyzja ustalająca plan remediacji, decyzja o warunkach zabudowy lub zmiana miejscowego planu zagospodarowania przestrzennego, decyzja o środowiskowych uwarunkowaniach przedsięwzięcia, pozwolenie na budowę, pozwolenie na przetwarzanie odpadów). Taki proces trwa po prostu zbyt długo i przez to remediacja on site staje się nieopłacalna. Zanieczyszczony grunt opuszcza teren remediacji – problem zanieczyszczenia nie jest ostatecznie rozwiązany, a jedynie zmienia się jego lokalizacja bo zanieczyszczony grunt nie jest podawany oczyszczeniu ale składowany jest w innym miejscu.
Prawo środowiskowe i odpadowe powinno z jednej strony wpłynąć na ograniczenie ilości nielegalnych i szkodzących środowisku sposobów pozbywania się niechcianego, zanieczyszczonego gruntu. Z drugiej jednak strony powinny zachęcać do oczyszczania gruntu oraz legalnego i bezpiecznego ponownego wykorzystywania oczyszczonej ziemi na miejscu, po zweryfikowaniu ich poziomu czystości i bezpieczeństwa, w tym na miejscu ich wydobycia bez zbędnego przemieszczania zanieczyszczonego gruntu.

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Rafał Hałabura
Association of the Contaminated Areas Remediation Institute


Ecotoxicity tests of contaminated soil – necessity or fantasies?

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Determination of soil contamination, and intention to possibly relocate earth masses outside the plot area, where contamination has been found requires the classification of waste. Typical classification is usually based on the component content of the waste, in other words determining the amount of hazardous substances in soil. It usually does not include the determination of properties HP14 „Ecotoxic”.The presentation will focus on Waste Directive, CLP Regulation, waste law as well as executive acts requirements.

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Dr n. biol. Anicenta Bubak


Risk assessment as a tool for sustainable development of brownfield sites

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Soil contamination may hinder the transformation of brownfields into new functional areas. Remedial costs related with full contamination removal up to regulatory standards may often exceed the value of the property. Remediation methods can be non-ecological (i.e. excavation of contaminated soil and landfill disposal) or they may require long operation time, which is not acceptable by the client. Therefore, it is worth looking for solutions that will meet the investor's needs and at the same time will be consistent with the idea of sustainable development. For several years, environmental law in Poland has been allowing to put contamination in relation to the real risk it poses, instead versus regulatory standards. Several years of Arcadis practice in Poland and many years of experience in European countries have shown that it is possible to transform a contaminated area and use its potential without incurring huge remediation costs. For this purpose, a quantitative risk assessment is used, which allows for a detailed analysis of all risks related to the presence of various substances in the environment. The next step is to define the most significant human health and environmental risks and then just perform remediation to remove these risks. Quantitative risk assessment requires additional field data and an extensive analysis of all elements of the conceptual site model (sources, routes of exposure and receptors). Time and financial resources devoted to additional research are compensated by savings during remediation phase. This approach has often allowed Arcadis clients to find a sustainable solution to redevelop post-industrial sites. An example of the Arcadis methodology that contributed to the redevelopment of a post-industrial area is remediation based on a quantitative risk analysis in the area of a large former electrical plant in northern Poland.

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Ewa Szczebak
Arcadis Sp. z o.o.


Regulatory Q&A

Sebastian Stachowski
Lion Environmental Sp. z o.o.


Ending Speech

Sebastian Stachowski
Lion Environmental


Piotr Wojda
Scientific/Research Officer, European Commission – DG Joint Research Centre
Piotr joined the European Commission's science hub (the Joint Research Centre in Ispra, Italy) in
2009, working primarily on geographical data seamless exchanges in the framework of Integrated
Administration and Control Systems (IACS) and Land Parcel Identification Systems (LPIS). Then in
2015, he continued at DG AGRI in Brussels on the very similar subject, linked more to the policy side.
Since 2019, he has re-joined the Commission's Directorate General Joint Research Centre,
coordinating and carrying out focused assessments of both local and diffuse soil contamination in the
context of terrestrial ecosystem services, food safety and sustainable agriculture, and human health,
specifically in relation to CAP Impact Indicators, targets under SDG3, land degradation neutrality and
land restoration strategies. He likes bridging different domains and people.
Piotr Wojda received PhD in Engineering from the University of Liege in Belgium and MSc degrees in
Geology and in Economics from the Warsaw University and the Warsaw School of Economics in
Poland respectively.


Katarzyna Barańska, PhD
Attorney at Law, Partner, Head of Infrastructure & Environment Kochański & Partners
Katarzyna is an attorney at law specialising in regulatory and infrastructure projects, with particular
focus on the investment process and environmental projects.
Katarzyna has considerable experience in renewable energy investments, including both due
diligence and transaction advisory, in addition to representing clients before public administration
authorities. She has advised on the construction and development of wind and photovoltaic farms
and hydroelectric power plants, handling also projects relating to the construction of infrastructure
for mineral extraction.

Travis Barnum
State of Arizona’s Brownfields Coordinator. Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
Travis Barnum is the Brownfields Coordinator in Arizona, USA. He has worked
on over 30 brownfields projects across the state of Arizona. He has assisted several small
and rural communities address blighted properties with environmental assessments and
cleanups. Watch this presentation on how brownfields can eliminate blight and be used to
address a community's needs.

Dr n. biol. Anicenta Bubak
Private entity providing expertises and opinions related to impact of hazardous substances and other factors on human health and environment. The main activities focus on: health impact assessment, human health risk assessment, ecological risk assessment and social conflicts concerning controversial investments.
Anicenta BUBAK. PhD. Her areas of interest include environmental toxicology, air, water and soil pollution, children exposure to heavy metals, health risk assessment (HRA) and environmental health impact assessment (EHIA). She has worked on developing helpful tool for health impact assessment (HIA) of planned investments in rural and urban areas. Her qualification focuses on integration HIA procedure in decision making process and stakeholders knowledge improvement (WHO project: The effectiveness of health impact assessment). She has been involved in following international EU projects related to soil and children exposure to heavy metals (2-FUN), health risk assessment posed by metals in soil (I+DARTS), concerning water or groundwater pollution (FOKS), as well as climate changes in relation to human health and wellbeing: BRIDGE and PREPARED.

André Chiaradia
Senior Consultant, Lion Environmental
Develop health and safety protocols, oversee implementation and addressed potential exposure issues to various chemicals and hazardous waste. Develop and maintained safety and environmental programs to ensure compliance with requirements. Institute comprehensive Environmental Management Systems. Carry out safety programs and conduct baseline assessments and comprehensive risk evaluations. Provide training in environmental, health and safety and regulatory compliance. Services conducted for: manufacturing entities, energy produces, health care, pharmaceutical producers, and life science companies.

Laurie A. Chilcote
Office Manager - Director of Sales Marketing / Director & Vice President
Cox-Colvin & Associates, Inc. / Vapor Pin Enterprises, Inc. & Vapor Pin Do Brasil
Laurie Chilcote serves as Director of Sales & Marketing for Cox-Colvin & Associates, Inc, and is Vice President of Vapor Pin Enterprises, Inc. and Vapor Pin do Brasil. In her role as Managing Director and Vice President of Vapor Pin Enterprises and Vapor Pin do Brazil, she provides managerial and technical oversight on all US and international marketing and sales for the Vapor Pin®, manages the firms US and international Patents and Trademarks, and establishes and oversees the firm’s network of international distributors. Ms. Chilcote provides lectures and poster presentations at numerous regional and international conferences as well as training to environmental firms, regulatory agencies, and developers on the Vapor Pin® technology, implementation, and quality control. Ms. Chilcote is a founding member and serves on the board of the Association of Vapor Intrusion Professionals (AVIP)

Craig A. Cox, CPG
President/Principal Scientist, Cox-Colvin & Associates, Inc.
Craig Cox serves as President and Principal Scientist for Cox-Colvin & Associates, Inc, and is responsible for providing managerial and technical oversight on major environmental projects conducted by the firm. In addition to his consulting activities, Mr. Cox provides lectures and poster presentations at numerous regional and international conferences on the topics of groundwater contaminant migration and remediation, source area evaluations, and the assessment of vapor intrusion migration pathways. Mr. Cox is the inventor of the Vapor Pin®, a sub-slab soil gas sampling device used worldwide, and is the primary architect of a variety of environmental database applications, including Data InspectorTM. Mr. Cox is a founding member and serves on the board of the Association of Vapor Intrusion Professionals (AVIP).

Brad Elkins
Director of Technial Sales, EOS Remediation
Brad Elkins leads the technical sales and support department at EOS Remediation based in RTP NC. He specializes in the application of bioremediation strategies to treat hazardous compounds in soil and groundwater. He earned a Master’s degree in Geology from East Carolina University and is a registered professional geologist in NC.
Brad helps clients achieve remedial success with EOS Remediation technologies which have been used at 1000s of contaminated sites globally;
-Chlorinated solvents, perchlorate, explosives, heavy metals (hexCr), -bioaugmentation for PCE (&its daughters), 1,4-Dioxane and Petroleum, -Aquifer pH adjustment, -Hydrocarbons (BTEX)

Rafał Hałabura
President Association of the Contaminated Areas Remediation Institute
Attorney-at-law, graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow. He specializes in investment process contracts, remediation, construction law and real estate. He has been an advisor on several hundred projects in the construction and renewable energy industry and on the largest remediation projects in Poland. Between 1998 and 2001 he was a personal assistant to the Prime Minister. From 2002 he cooperated with a law firm affiliated with Deloitte and later with Wardyński & Partners. Currently he runs his own law firm and is the President of the Management Board of the Remediation of Contaminated Sites Institute.

Joaquim Halen
Customer Success Manager Haemers Technologies
Joaquim Halen, Environmental Engineer working at Haemers Technologies as a project engineer
and Customer Success Manager. His main roles are to ensure the follow up of offers, present
the technology, support of ongoing projects on site and from the office.

George (Bud) Ivey
President and senior remediation specialist, Ivey International Inc.
George (Bud) Ivey, is the president and Senior Remediation Specialist with Ivey International Inc. He is an environmental professional with thirty years of assessment and remediation experience, has travelled to over 50 countries, and worked on more than 2500 environmental projects globally. His educational background includes: Synthetic-Organic Chemistry, Geological Engineering, and a Master’s Certificate in Project Management. He has developed many innovative remediation technologies, and holds several International product and process patents. Recently developed an environmentally safe replacement for AFFF fire-fighting foams, that is PFOA and PFOS free and biodegradable. Over the last two decades he has won many international environmental awards such as: "Best Environmental & Remediation Solutions Company 2019" and "2018 Technology Merit Remediation Award".

Sylwia Janiszewska
Remediation Department Manager, Remea sp. z o.o.
PhD, DEng of technical sciences in the discipline of Environmental Engineering at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering, a graduate of environmental protection at the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection at the University of Lodz and chemical technology at the Faculty of Chemistry of the Lodz University of Technology. Remediation Department Manager at Remea sp.z o.o. Specialist in remediation of the soil and water environment. Designs and introduces innovative solutions for technological systems for the treatment of wastewater, groundwater and soil. Supervision at construction sites at Remes Sp. z o.o. in terms of remediation works. In 2011-2015, assistant at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering at the Lodz University of Technology. Author and co-author of about 25 scientific publications, including articles from the Philadelphia list. Speaker at numerous national and international conferences. Founding member of the Association of the Institute of Polluted Areas.

Dawid Jasiński
Geotechnical Engineer | Design Advisor
The Pietrucha Group
Dawid cooperates with contractors and supports research and development division. He graduated from the Silesian University of Technology, the Faculty of Mining and Geology and specialized in Underground Construction and Surface Protection. He gained his know-how and experience in engineering geology and geotechnics both in Poland and abroad, including in England, Kazakhstan and Australia.

Paweł Kot
Business Development Manager, i2 Analytical
Paweł is an environmental engineer by trade, with combined 12 years of experience in the fields of environmental consultancy and laboratory services. During his career he has worked on a number of remediation and environmental audit projects across Europe (in Poland, Belgium, Spain & Lithuania). He’s been a lead Asbestos expert & auditor in an international environmental engineering company and played a leading role in forming a Development and Implementation department in a Polish branch of an international laboratory company.
Since almost two years, his main task is developing the business presence of a leading international laboratory company, i2 Analytical, in Poland. Part of his responsibility is acting in an advisory role to customers, using his experience and the capabilities of i2 Analytical to provide support even in the most complex and demanding environmental engineering projects.

Harry O’Neill
President Beacon Environmental
Harry O’Neill is the President of Beacon Environmental and has managed soil gas and vapor intrusion
investigations for 30 years, working on projects throughout the United States, as well as internationally
across more than 40 countries spanning all seven continents. Under his direction, Beacon has achieved
ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation for the analysis of soil gas and air samples to target trace concentrations of
organics. In addition, Harry oversaw the implementation of the quality program that enabled Beacon to
become the first NEFAP accredited field sampling and measurement organization (FSMO) in the United
States. Harry has been on the forefront of the acceptance of passive sampling technologies at the
national and international level and has managed the implementation of thousands of soil gas and air
sampling surveys. He is a founding member of the Association of Vapor Intrusion Professionals (AVIP),
is the lead author of ASTM Standard D7758: Standard Practice for Passive Soil Gas Sampling in the
Vadose Zone, and has published and presented findings throughout the United States and internationally
across five continents as an invited speaker.

Brant A. Smith, P.E., Ph.D.
Technology Manager, PeroxyChem ©
Dr. Brant Smith is the Technology Manager at PeroxyChem. With over 20 years of experience, Dr. Smith has designed and implemented numerous field applications and bench scale tests involving ISCO, in situ bioremediation, in situ chemical reduction, and metals stabilization. He has been an author on over 90 presentations at national and international conferences and his research have been published in journals including Environmental Science and Technology, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, and Journal of Environmental Engineering. Dr. Smith obtained a Bachelor’s of Science with the majors of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Economics from Worcester Polytechnic Institute, and a Master of Science and Ph.D in Civil Engineering from Washington State University. He is a registered Professional Engineer in Washington State.

Sebastian Stachowski
Managing director of Lion Environmental
Sebastian Stachowski the founder of REMEDy is an Environmental Consultant currently working as a Managing Director of Lion Environmental. During his career he focused on contaminated land assessment, permitting and environmental auditing. Sebastian ran several Environmental Site Assessment, Environmental Due Diligence and Compliance Audits in Poland and Belgium. Sebastian also participated in design of an ex-situ remediation project and performance of in-situ DNAPL (Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid) remediation based in Italy. Sebastian has managed several environmental studies such as baseline studies and feasibility studies relating to selection of investment location, water sourcing and wastewater management as well as .Environmental Impact Assessment reports.

Piotr Surma
Contract Director Remea sp. z o.o.
A graduate of the Cracow University of Technology in the field of construction
(geotechnics specialization). He has over 15 years of experience in geotechnics
working in various positions, as a designer, works manager and construction
manager. Currently, he is the Contract Director, responsible for the implementation of
the project "Remediation of degraded and polluted areas in the area of ​​the Kalina
pond in Świętochłowice".

Ewa Szczebak
Senior Environmental Specialist Arcadis Sp. z o.o.
Ewa Szczebak is a Senior Environmental Specialist and a Project Manager at Arcadis and
a certified hydrogeologist. She graduated from University of Wrocław with a M.Sc. in
Geology, Hydrogeology and Environmental Protection. Ewa joined Arcadis in 2007, focusing
on environmental site assessment and remediation projects (mainly in-situ remediation).
Ewa is involved is projects with complex hydrogeological and environmental conditions.
Starting from 2014 she is a member of risk-assessment team at Arcadis Poland.

Radosław Piechal
Country Environmental Manager, Panattoni Development Europe sp. z o.o.
Radosław Piechal is a graduate of Spatial Planning at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences.
He has also completed post graduate studies in geographical information systems at Warsaw
University of Technology. He has a demonstrated history of working in environmental
consultancy, real estate, oil & gas and energy industries. Having environmental and planning
background he was involved in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) reports of windfarms
and biogas plants as well as in Environmental, Social and Health Impact Assessment (ESHIA)
reports and permitting of shale gas exploration concession blocks in Poland. He managed and
supervised Phase I, Intrusive geo-environmental Phase II and Phase III EDD audits across
Poland, Slovakia, Russia and Ukraine as well as dozen clean-up projects in Poland. Since 2018
Radosław works in Panattoni Development Europe. From 2021 he acts as a Country
Environmental Manager responsible for environmental site assessments, waste management
and site remediation.

Wojciech Wołkowicz
Researcher, The Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute
Wojciech Wołkowicz has many years of experience in fields related to environmental geology and waste management and waste storage and verification of landfills security systems. Author and co-author of numerous studies defining the condition of the environment, including in particular the condition of the soil and groundwaterwater in industrial and post-industrial areas. Member of the brownfields team appointed by the Minister of Climate and Environment.

Przemysław Wyskocki
Construction Engineer/Design Assistant at REMEA PL
Master of Science in Civil Engineering, graduate of the Poznań University of Technology. From the beginning of his professional career, he worked in construction companies in departments responsible for ensuring the quality of work, as a laboratory technician, laboratory manager, technologist. From March 2020, he joined the team implementing the project "Remediation of degraded and polluted areas in
the area of ​​the Kalina pond in Świętochłowice". Master of Science in Civil Engineering, graduate of the Poznań University of Technology. Since the beginning of his professional career he worked in construction companies in departments responsible for ensuring the quality of works, in the positions of a laboratory technician, laboratory manager, technologist. In March 2020, he joined the team implementing the project "Remediation of degraded and polluted areas surrounding the Kalina pond in Świętochłowice".

André Chiaradia
Senior Consultant, Lion Environmental
Develop health and safety protocols, oversee implementation and addressed potential exposure issues to various chemicals and hazardous waste. Develop and maintained safety and environmental programs to ensure compliance with requirements. Institute comprehensive Environmental Management Systems. Carry out safety programs and conduct baseline assessments and comprehensive risk evaluations. Provide training in environmental, health and safety and regulatory compliance. Services conducted for: manufacturing entities, energy produces, health care, pharmaceutical producers, and life science companies.

Craig Franzel
Senior Project Manager,CDM Smith
Mr. Franzel is a senior project manager with the CDM Smith International Department based in Germany and has +20 years of experience as an environmental consultant. His experiences include environmental site assessments and investigations, remediation of contaminated sites, environmental compliance auditing, environmental management system implementation, permitting, industrial hygiene monitoring and emergency response, evaluation of pollution prevention/waste minimization alternatives, and geotechnical monitoring. During his current role as a Senior Project Manager at CDM Smith Mr. Franzel serves as the Project Manager for the subject remediation project in Japan.

Piotr Kociołek
Environmental director Europe, Panattoni Europe
Piotr Kociołek: born in Poland, living in Italy. A graduate of the Faculty of Chemistry at the University of Turin. All his career concentrates on environmental science, for 24 years Piotr has been working as an environmental consultant, and since 2016 he is a an European Director of Environmental Protection for Panattoni Development Europe. He is a full Member of the British IEMA (Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment). Piotr's main scope of professional experience is as following: environmental site assessments for industrial and commercial facilities (Phase I ESA (environmental site assessment), Phase II ESA, EDD (environmental due diligence)), planning and implementation of remediation projects, including estimation and calculation of environmental / remedial costs related to transactions (M&A - mergers and acquisitions).

Slawomir Adamczyk
Head of Environmental Damage Prevention, Repair andInformation on the Environment and Environmental Management Department
An Employee of the Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection in Katowice since its creation i.e. on November 15th, 2008.
Position: Head of Environmental Damage Prevention, Repair Department and Information on Environment and Environmental Management (since June 2012). Many years of experience in conducting, supervising proceedings and verification of documents in the field of environmental damage, historical pollution of the earth’s surface, waste management in closed areas, waste storage in a place not intended for this and providing information about the environment.
Previous professional experience: Katowice Geological Enterprise (mainly in geological engineering) Silesian Voivodship Office (environmental protection, groundwater protection)
Education: MA. In Geology (specialization in hydrogeology), University of Silesia in Katowice, Faculty of Earth Sciences in Sosnowiec; postgraduate studies in “Instruments and techniques of environmental management”, AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow.

Craig A. Cox, CPG
President/Principal Scientist, Cox-Colvin & Associates, Inc.
Craig Cox currently serves as President and Principal Scientist for Cox-Colvin & Associates, Inc, and is responsible for providing managerial and technical oversight on major environmental projects conducted by the firm under RCRA, CERCLA, and Brownfield programs. Cox-Colvin & Associates, Inc., founded in 1995, provides environmental consulting services to public and private sector clients throughout the United States.
In addition to his consulting activities, Mr. Cox provides lectures and poster presentations at numerous regional and international conferences on the topics of groundwater contaminant migration and remediation, source area evaluations, and the assessment of vapor intrusion migration pathways. Mr. Cox is the inventor of the Vapor Pin®, a sub-slab soil gas sampling device used worldwide, and is the primary architect of a variety of environmental database applications, including Data InspectorTM.
Mr. Cox received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Geology and Mineralogy from The Ohio State University and a Professional Degree in Hydrogeology from the Colorado School of Mines. Mr. Cox is a Certified Professional under Ohio EPA’s Voluntary Action Program and a contributing author on reports concerning background metals concentrations in soils published by Ohio EPA. Mr. Cox is also a member of the ASTM Committee developing standards for the long-term monitoring of vapor mitigation systems.

Piotr Bąbała
Contract Director, REMEA
Piotr Bąbała is a graduate of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, specializing in geotechnics and special construction at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow. He achieved his experience on large geotechnical projects while working for the Menard Group - one of the largest geotechnical companies in the world. His professional practice and experience in the field of design was acquired in projects related to various sectors of the economy, which allowed him to obtain a technical and construction specialization in GEOTECHNICS. He is an active participant in scientific conferences both in Poland and in the international arena, and openly applies the obtained knowledge into practice. His last two years of professional activity focused on remediation issues where, as contract director together with REMEA, he directed one of the largest projects in southern Poland - an investment applied towards the revitalization of degraded areas with the goal of transforming polluted areas into public utility areas.

Guido Ebert
Senior Business Development Manager,CDM Smith
Mr. Ebert is a senior Business Development Manager with +25 years of working experience with international clients. Mr. Ebert’s experience includes Business Development, Key Account Management, Program and Project Management, Due Diligence, Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I to III), Health-Risk Assessment, Remediation Design, Implementation and Monitoring, and QA/QC-Management. For the subject remediation project in Japan, he serves as a client lead and QA/QC Manager.

Aneta Chochorek
Managing Director at WESSLING Polska sp. z o.o
Aneta Chochorek is the Managing Director at WESSLING Polska.
Associated with the company since 2008, where she began her career as a Laboratory Manager. She was responsible for the design, construction, implementation of the quality management system and management of the new WESSLING Polska environmental laboratory in Krakow. Since 2013, he has been working as the Managing Director, overseeing the work of environmental and food laboratories in Poland. Previously, she worked at the Laboratory of the Provincial Inspectorate for Environmental Protection in Krakow.
She has been associated with the environmental protection industry for over 20 years.
She is a graduate of the Faculty of Chemistry of the Jagiellonian University.

Martynas Paškevičius
Partner, ESSPO

Oliver Phipps
Partner in ERM - Global Director for Key Accounts; Leader of the Contaminated Areas Section for the region of Europe, the Middle East and Africa; Chairman of the Regulatory Working Party - NICOLE
Oliver Phipps is a UK trained hydrogeologist who has worked internationally in environmental & sustainability consulting for nearly 30 years. He currently fulfills two roles at ERM, as Partner lead of the Liability Portfolio Management & Remediation service in EMEA and ERM’s global technology enablement programme. Oliver recently took over as Chair of the Regulatory Working Group at NICOLE, the leading industry network for contaminated land in Europe.

Participants’ opinions about REMEDy conference

A very interesting event. Particularly interesting due to the lectures of many practitioners in the field of contaminated land treatment. I am already looking forward to the next edition.

Marianna Ulanicka-Raczyńska, Warsaw University of Technology

A very interesting event. Particularly interesting due to the lectures of many practitioners in the field of contaminated land treatment. I am already looking forward to the next edition. Marianna Ulanicka-Raczyńska, Warsaw University of Technology

In terms of content, the conference was of a very high standard. I was particularly interested in the session on legal regulations. The issues discussed certainly broadened my understanding of certain problems I face in my professional practice.

Adrian Chochoł Frank Bold Foundation

In terms of content, the conference was of a very high standard. I was particularly interested in the session on legal regulations. The issues discussed certainly broadened my understanding of certain problems I face in my professional practice. Adrian Chochoł Frank Bold Foundation

Very well organised. Very interesting issues raised during the event. Thank you and hope it will continue in future years.

Ilona Małuszyńska Warsaw University of Life Sciences

Very well organised. Very interesting issues raised during the event. Thank you and hope it will continue in future years. Ilona Małuszyńska Warsaw University of Life Sciences

Huge knowledge base in a nutshell. Interesting and cross-cutting topics.

Agata Godlewska-Hejduk ERM Polska Sp. z o.o.

Huge knowledge base in a nutshell. Interesting and cross-cutting topics. Agata Godlewska-Hejduk ERM Polska Sp. z o.o.

Very efficient organisation of the conference, interesting selection of topics and speakers. Congratulations that despite the prevailing situation you did not give up the conference. Bravo!

Radosław Biedrzycki Capital Infrastructure Management Board

Very efficient organisation of the conference, interesting selection of topics and speakers. Congratulations that despite the prevailing situation you did not give up the conference. Bravo! Radosław Biedrzycki Capital Infrastructure Management Board

A very valuable conference. It enables you to learn both new methods of investigating soil contamination and remediation solutions not yet used in Poland.

Katarzyna Pietruszyńska Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection in Olsztyn

A very valuable conference. It enables you to learn both new methods of investigating soil contamination and remediation solutions not yet used in Poland. Katarzyna Pietruszyńska Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection in Olsztyn


Lion Environmental is an independent environmental consultancy created by people that want to make a difference. Our founders have been successful directors, project managers and consultants in the most prestigious environmental consulting firms. Lion has grown using a fact based approach, leveraging experience and knowhow to find innovative solutions and create unconventional approaches. Our foundation is the team commitment we make on all our projects, a commitment set in stone.